Europäischer GerichtshofPixabay

EuGH verurteilt Deutschland wegen zu schmutziger Luft in Städten – Was jetzt für Städte wichtig ist

Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat Deutschland am Donnerstag wegen zu hoher Luftverschmutzung in vielen Städten verurteilt. Ausschlaggebend hierfür waren langfristige zu hohe Stickstoffdioxid-Werte (NO2). 2018 verklagte die europäische Kommission…
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The impact of air pollution on mental health

When talking about the negative effects of air pollution, a lot of focus is placed on the physical diseases that occur from pollutant exposure. But did you know that air pollution affects mental health as well? Read on to find out more. Research…
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How climate change makes air pollution worse

There is clear evidence that air pollution has direct and indirect climate effects. This is also true the other way around: climate change worsens air quality. How warmer temperatures worsen air quality Ground-level ozone (O3) is a secondary…
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How air pollution exacerbates social inequality

While air pollution is a global issue, killing 7 million worldwide every year, those from different socioeconomic backgrounds feel its effects differently. We have previously written about why air pollution seems to disproportionately affect…
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Der Unterschied zwischen Emissionen und Umgebungsemissionen („Immission“)

Der Begriff "Emission" wird üblicherweise verwendet, um die Freisetzung von Schadstoffen in die Atmosphäre zu beschreiben. In jüngster Zeit ist jedoch ein neuer, ähnlicher Begriff in das Lexikon der Luftverschmutzung aufgenommen worden:…
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Why is air pollution a bigger topic in developing countries than in developed nations?

While it is undeniable that air pollution affects everyone, scientific studies, the news, and even international agencies make it seem as though it is more of a significant issue in developing countries than in developed ones. What is the basis…

Wildfires and air pollution – How air quality sensing can help to quench wildfires

When talking about the sources of air pollution, we tend to think of man-made sources, such as transport and industry. However, the environment can be just as responsible for releasing foreign substances into the atmosphere. In this article,…
Santander X Environmental ChallengeBanco Santander
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Breeze Technologies wins Santander X Environmental Challenge

Breeze Technologies has been announced as one of the 3 winners of the "Be Mindful" track of the Santander X Environmental Challenge today. The challenge was launched by Banco Santander in collaboration with Oxentia Foundation to support entrepreneurs…

How monitoring and managing office air quality protects your co-workers from the Coronavirus

There is a reason for the work from home (WFH) movement during the Coronavirus pandemic: COVID-19 is easily transmissible in closed indoor spaces full of people, such as offices. But this work arrangement is not sustainable, as there are certain…
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What is temperature inversion, and how does it exacerbate smog?

While most people are familiar with the fact that smog is caused by severe air pollution, few know that the weather can also be at fault thanks to a phenomenon called “temperature inversion”. Read on to find out more.  What is smog? To…

5 more things you can do to improve air quality in your city (and live more sustainably)

Air pollution is an environmental issue that affects everyone. Here are five more actions you can take to help clear the air where you live, and live more sustainably in general. You can find the first part here. Get a home energy audit A…
Breeze Technologies UG

Breeze Technologies und Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG kooperieren bei der Digitalisierung der Immissionsüberwachung

Hamburg/Markranstädt (Leipzig), Deutschland. Das Hamburger Startup Breeze Technologies und der Markranstädter Mittelständler Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG kooperieren bei der Entwicklung der digitalen Zukunft der Immissionsüberwachung.…