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Not all particulate matter is equal – why some particulates are more dangerous than others

Particulate matter (PM) is an air pollutant composed of tiny solid and liquid particles. Primary particulate matter is emitted from a direct source, while secondary particulate matter is formed as a result of chemical and physical reactions…
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How much air pollution do rocket launches cause?

The billionaire space race has been a hot topic lately. Richard Branson of the Virgin Group went to space on July 11, 2021. Jeff Bezos of Amazon followed soon after on July 20, 2021. Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX plans on travelling sometime…
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Breeze Technologies selected for long-term deployment of wildfire and air quality sensors by US Department of Homeland Security S&T

Washington and Hamburg. After previous laboratory and field tests of Breeze's air quality sensors and its connected wildfire detection capabilities, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has…
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Everything to know about Particulate Matter (PM)

Particulate matter (PM) is a common air pollutant harmful to human health that is recognized for monitoring and mitigating by the World Health Organization and Breeze Technologies. Read on to find out more. What is particulate matter? Particulate…

Breeze Technologies bei der 17. International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection

Vom 21.09. – 23.09.2021 hat die AUBE (International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection) sowie die SUPDET (Suppression Detection and Research and Application Conference) in Duisburg stattgefunden. Zum 17. Mal organisiert das Fachgebiet…
InterLuftBreeze Technologies
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BMVI fördert die Bereitstellung von Echtzeit-Luftqualitätsdaten

Projektauftakt von InterLuft – mit smarten Algorithmen die Luftqualität bestimmen Hamburg, 28.09.2021. Das Hamburger Start-up Breeze Technologies wird bei der Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur Echtzeit-Interpolation von Luftqualitätsdaten…
World Health Organization
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Die neuen WHO-Leitlinien für Luftqualität (2021)

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat am 22. September 2021 ihre geltenden Empfehlungen zur urbanen Luftqualität angepasst und die empfohlenen Grenzwerte massiv verschärft. Die letzte Anpassung der WHO-Empfehlungen für die Luftbelastung…
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Wie Disneyland die Emissionen seines Feuerwerks reduzierte

Disneyland, "Der glücklichste Ort auf Erden", ist bekannt für seine brillanten Feuerwerksshows, die das ganze Jahr über fast jeden Abend stattfinden. So schön sie auch sein mögen, Feuerwerkskörper sind notorische Luftverschmutzer. Disneyland…
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Breeze Technologies zum 6. Mal Partner bei der Hamburger Klimawoche

Hamburg. Zum sechsten Mal in Folge ist Breeze Technologies Partner der Hamburger Klimawoche. Wie jedes Jahr organisiert der umweltwissenschaftliche Bereich des Hamburger Startups einen Workshop für eine Hamburger Schulklasse zum Thema Smog…
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Everything to know about Ozone (O3)

Ozone (O3), specifically at the ground level, is a common air pollutant recognized by many standard air quality guidelines, including the World Health Organization’s. At Breeze Technologies, ground-level ozone is among the many pollutants…
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Everything to know about Ammonia (NH3)

Ammonia (NH3) is a common air pollutant. Despite it not being included in many standard air quality guidelines, such as the World Health Organization’s, we at Breeze Technologies consider it vital to be monitored. Our sensors are thus calibrated…
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How has air quality in Germany changed in the last 40 years?

Post-World War II in 1945 saw Germany divided into four zones by the Americans, the British, the French, and the Soviets. The western two-thirds of Germany, known as the Federal Republic of Germany (unofficially: FRG), consisted of the American,…