
Breeze Technologies gewinnt Startup-Pitch der Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Chemie

Heute hat Breeze Technologies den Startup-Pitch der Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Chemie in Düsseldorf gewonnen. Seit vielen Jahren ist die Handelsblatt Jahrestagung Chemie der Strategietreff der Chemieindustrie. Zahlreiche Entscheider führende…
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Why indoor air quality is important for every business

Indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a long overlooked issue in comparison to outdoor air pollution. Just because indoor air pollution can be harder to detect, however, doesn’t mean it’s harmless: the concentrations of some pollutants can be…
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The direct economic impact of improving air quality

Air pollution not only affects human health, but also the economy. Effective clean air actions sanctioned by governments have been found to improve individual health and productivity, thus providing clear economic benefits. How air pollution…
Breeze Technologies ist der Gewinner der Startup Games 2020

Breeze Technologies gewinnt die deutschen „Startup Games“

Breeze Technologies hat sich einen Platz im deutschen Startup-Olymp gesichert: das Startup, das Städten und Unternehmen mit Hilfe des Internets der Dinge und Künstlicher Intelligenz bei der Messung und Verbesserung der Luftqualität hilft,…
History of air quality measurement
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The history of air quality measurement and legislation

Air quality has long been a historical issue, reaching back as far as the Roman times. It is only after a series of serious smog incidents that authorities finally took action, starting first with the curbing of emissions.
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Breeze Technologies und bringen luftdatenbasierte Navigation auf das Smartphone

Hamburg und Helsinki. Das deutsche Startup Breeze Technologies hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit dem finnischen Anbieter für Positionierungstechnologie angekündigt, um zukünftig luftdatenbasiertes Routing in Europa zu ermöglichen.…

Air pollution trends across the seasons

While air pollution is an issue all year round, different seasons see an increase in certain pollutants due to various factors such as temperature, climate, and human activities. Read on to find out more. Spring Ammonia (NH3) concentrations… / Bill Oxford

The link between air pollution and climate change

There is a clear connection between poor air quality and climate change. Air pollutants and greenhouse gases are often emitted at the same time, and many air pollutants have direct or indirect climate effects. By reducing air pollution, we preserve…

The link between COVID-19 mortality and air pollution

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution is responsible for 7 million deaths per year. While poor air quality has been linked to various health issues such as heart disease and respiratory infections, recent studies have…
SmogUnsplash / Holger Link

How we calculate our air quality index and why we need it

When it comes to measuring air pollution, raw data is hard to understand. This is why air quality indexes are created. An air quality index (AQI) translates numerical data into a descriptive rating scale and makes it easier for citizens of…
Speicherstadt HamburgMax Fuchs /

Breeze Technologies startet das dichteste Luftmessnetz der Welt in Hamburg

Hamburg, Deutschland. Das deutsche Startup Breeze Technologies hat eines der dichtesten Luftmessnetze der Welt in Hamburg gestartet. Das Unternehmen entwickelt kostengünstige Luftqualitätssensoren und Cloud-Software zur Visualisierung und…
Chris Barbalis /

10 things you can do to improve air quality in your city

Air pollution is an environmental issue that affects everyone. Here’s how you can do your part in clearing the air. Use public transportation Public buses, trams, subways, and trains are not only more affordable than…