Schlagwortarchiv für: air quality sensors

Die verschiedenen Standorte zur Überwachung der Luftqualität in Städten
In der Richtlinie 2008/50/EG wird die Anforderung an Messstellen zur Messung der Luftqualität eingeführt und die zentrale Frage untersucht, wann Luftschadstoffe gemessen werden sollten. In der Richtlinie werden außerdem verschiedene Arten…

Breeze Technologies selected for long-term deployment of wildfire and air quality sensors by US Department of Homeland Security S&T
Washington and Hamburg. After previous laboratory and field tests of Breeze's air quality sensors and its connected wildfire detection capabilities, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has…

Breeze Technologies bei der 17. International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection
Vom 21.09. – 23.09.2021 hat die AUBE (International Conference on Automatic Fire Detection) sowie die SUPDET (Suppression Detection and Research and Application Conference) in Duisburg stattgefunden. Zum 17. Mal organisiert das Fachgebiet…

How to measure air quality
The importance of monitoring air quality is evident in the impact pollutants have on human health, the environment, and the economy. By assessing the extent of air pollution through timely, accurate data, policies and standards can be enacted,…

5 steps to make your city smarter with air quality data
Urban air pollution directly affects populations living in and around urban areas. Worldwide, 1.3 million people die every year from outdoor air pollution in urban areas. The benefits of managing this issue are endless: healthier citizens, a…

Headaches at work? The Sick Building Syndrome could be the reason
The “sick building syndrome” is an illness caused by poor indoor air quality, where occupants experience discomfort due to spending time in particular rooms or buildings. Read on to find out more about this phenomenon.
What are the…