Schlagwortarchiv für: air quality data

How to measure air quality
The importance of monitoring air quality is evident in the impact pollutants have on human health, the environment, and the economy. By assessing the extent of air pollution through timely, accurate data, policies and standards can be enacted,…

Why is air pollution a bigger topic in developing countries than in developed nations?
While it is undeniable that air pollution affects everyone, scientific studies, the news, and even international agencies make it seem as though it is more of a significant issue in developing countries than in developed ones. What is the basis…

Wildfires and air pollution – How air quality sensing can help to quench wildfires
When talking about the sources of air pollution, we tend to think of man-made sources, such as transport and industry. However, the environment can be just as responsible for releasing foreign substances into the atmosphere. In this article,…

Why a fully-electric mobile future will not save air quality (alone)
Globally, transportation amounts to ~25% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This, along with other emitted pollutants, translated to 385,000 deaths in 2015, resulting in $1 trillion USD in health damages. CO2 specifically is responsible…

5 steps to make your city smarter with air quality data
Urban air pollution directly affects populations living in and around urban areas. Worldwide, 1.3 million people die every year from outdoor air pollution in urban areas. The benefits of managing this issue are endless: healthier citizens, a…

What is particulate matter composed of?
Particulate matter (PM) is an air pollutant composed of tiny solid and liquid particles. But what exactly are these particles? Read on to find out.
What is particulate matter?
Particulate matter is classified by the size of its particles.…

Breeze Technologies und bringen luftdatenbasierte Navigation auf das Smartphone
Hamburg und Helsinki. Das deutsche Startup Breeze Technologies hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit dem finnischen Anbieter für Positionierungstechnologie angekündigt, um zukünftig luftdatenbasiertes Routing in Europa zu ermöglichen.…