The health impact of specific air pollutants
We breathe 15,000 litres of air every day. Apart from the oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) essential for survival, the atmosphere also consists of many harmful foreign substances. When detectable, they are considered to be air pollution. Air pollution…

The health impact of indoor and outdoor air pollution
We breathe 15,000 litres of air every day. Apart from the oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) essential for survival, the atmosphere also consists of harmful foreign substances. When detectable, they are considered to be air pollution. Air pollution…

Calculating an actionable indoor air quality index
An air quality index (AQI) is a descriptive scale used to show how polluted the air is. There is little research on the health effects of air pollution in short time frames. This is why air quality indexes are typically only provided for time…

Why indoor air quality is important for every business
Indoor air quality (IAQ) has been a long overlooked issue in comparison to outdoor air pollution. Just because indoor air pollution can be harder to detect, however, doesn’t mean it’s harmless: the concentrations of some pollutants can be…

The direct economic impact of improving air quality
Air pollution not only affects human health, but also the economy. Effective clean air actions sanctioned by governments have been found to improve individual health and productivity, thus providing clear economic benefits.
How air pollution…

The history of air quality measurement and legislation
Air quality has long been a historical issue, reaching back as far as the Roman times. It is only after a series of serious smog incidents that authorities finally took action, starting first with the curbing of emissions.