
Research project: InterLuft

Funding source:

German Federal Ministry for Transportation and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)

Funding program:


Project duration:

08/2021 – 04/2022

Project partners:

Breeze Technologies UG

In the InterLuft project, Breeze Technologies is developing air quality interpolation algorithms based on pre-existing air quality, traffic, urban planning and other datasets.


Air pollution is a significant environmental hazard, particularly in cities. Based on the approx. 500 automated air quality monitoring stations in Germany, it is currently impossible to make consistent, comprehensive and precise statements about the distribution of air pollutants. Even new technologies such as cheaper air quality sensors cannot close all measurement gaps. It is therefore necessary to interpolate air quality data, i.e. to calculate missing air quality values based on other datasets. This interpolation is being developed as a prototype with the InterLuft project.


Local air quality depends heavily on many different parameters; traffic being one of the biggest influencing factors. On the basis of pre-existing air quality data, traffic data, city planning and other environmental data, a model for the interpolation of real-time and historical air quality data between existing monitoring locations is being developed in the project. The output data is made usable for various other applications.


Project website at the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)

Press release from Breeze Technologies about the project start